Saturday, March 14, 2009

A disturbance of pursuit of destiny

Last night, when i was reading the book 'Synchro destiny' by Depak chopra i really got excited to know that life is full of coincidences and these coincidents are the signals from the universe which can guide to our destiny. Also it's being said that we can encourage those coincidents to happen more often to achieve our destiny provided we can understand those coincidents. I got an idea to do the experiment as described in that book . I sat in a dark room by closing eyes and started recollecting the major events happened in past 24 hrs. What?? Was i kidding!!! It looked insane as i thought i am not a celebrity to have major events happened daily.. I could not get anything except the monotonous work which starts from going to school and return home in the evening. This time with more firm i started to dig out the events happened in last 1 month in my life. Well, i could vividly recall going to shoping, a talk with my friend about his love problem, serious talk with my sis about my niece stomach ache,a quarrel with my close friend, a coquittish smile of a girl towards me..Once again i started to call up the incidents happened in last 1 year and i could recall huge shopping, long drive in the winter, lying to a professor in regard to work, praying for my mom's health, partying, tearful parting at airport,flirting a pune girl for quite some time, a friend's suicide and other incidents (which i think are not major).

Again with more zest i started recollecting the events happened in last 2 years. I could bring the memory of trip to north india, and and....I struck up with that incident..I tried once again to recall other incidents but the same incident disturbed again..

[It was during the village festival i was in my traditional attire with the comapany of my friends went to see the main event of the fiesta. A huge crowd assembeled around the chariot where a bare chested person with blood spilled over his face was waving to the crowd, and the priest just adjuscent to him was chanting loudly. When all the throng started roaring the person in the centre showed a lamb in his lap indicating that he was ready to slash the lamb with his teeth.And all of sudden the crowd became silent and a voice from the mob shouted NOooooooo!!!!...just behind me!!!!

Everyone gaped at the direction where the voice has come from.. and there she was draged from the group by a guy who's of almost her age... and both of them ran towards his bike before everyone got realized . I knew it was a heroic deed to save my sis friend from the people who became very furious by her move. Luckily, the uncivilized act of killing a lamb in the name of god was stopped due to the interruption which caused to lose the auspicious time. But nothing has stopped my uncle's family to be ostracized for a month despite the fact that my uncle himself was chief of the village. Out of all, it was me who gained a lot by becoming close to her and eventually loved by her.]

I tried once again to remind the other events but could not concentrate further. As i thought it's pointless to try again and i opened eyes only to hear the song ' Urumulu ni merupulai, merupulu na navvulai' played from my friend sarru's lappy in adjuscent room.


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