Saturday, March 28, 2009

A new begining....


As the sundown from the adjacent window the bells were clanging in the school tower only to indicate that one more hour passed and Raj who has been on the bed from a week looked at the clock on the wall to realize that one more dreadful day elapsed to welcome one more painful night.


It's been so exciting right from the moment he heard that he was given visa to the land of opportunities, USA. As train moves he dreamt about his life in US by lying on the berth and got disturbed by sudden jerk once train stopped at Kandambam, border of Tamilanadu and Andhra. A person looked like in his forties occupied other berth in the 2nd class A/C compartment just adjacent to Raj. After long pause, the same guy introduced himself to Raj by saying he’s Amith and has come from US just two weeks ago after staying there for more than 10 years. He said ‘Good Luck’ to Raj after knowing about his visa and told him to enjoy the life to full extent but not to settle there forever, nevertheless it’s very difficult once habituated for that life . He also suggested Raj ‘India is India, once you are away from India you’ll come to know that. I thought of coming down here just after my studies, but it took me more than 10 years to realize what I lost during all these years’.
As the conversation progressed on different topics, a sudden jolting and thundering sound heard. The back bogies crossed over the front three bogies due to some joint failure and in a fraction of second the accident took away 300 lives. Amith who was just adjacent to Raj is no more and his body was chopped down to pieces without recognizing his identity. May be god has shown some mercy on Raj by leaving him just half dead with his back bones fractured, his face dislodged and all twenty four tooth broken out.


As the time passes he became alone in the room after nurse leaving first and then his mom departures after making him to drink some apple juice. He started cursing the God for causing this agony, for shattering his dream of going to US? No, he never wanted to go to US till last 2 months and he always wanted to start an agribusiness to provide employment to rural youth. He only convinced himself rather than persuading his family about his interest of becoming an entrepreneur when they asked him to go abroad and make money. In retrospection, he also recollected how he had to change his mind to engineering from medical just because his family couldn’t afford it, how he had to forget Neelima in spite of loving her so much just by reason of his sister marriage, how he had to live like a niggard when all of his friends were enjoying the parties. Like wise he never lived according to his wish; it does not mean some one was interfering in his life, but he never fought back against the adverse situations. He has just taken the things for granted as they come in his way. As he thinks about his future, a famous saying echoed in his ears;
‘To live is the rarest thing in the world, most people just exit, that’s all’
He made up his mind to live actual life not just by existing but by doing what he really wanted to do. This time he did not curse the god but thanked him for making him to realize what he really wanted in all these days.


He woke up early in the morning to start a fresh beginning, asked his brother to bring his favorite books (the books which he wanted to read from so many days but couldn’t due to some reasons). In the evening he called up his friends to talk about his business idea. He also called Neelima to tell sorry for his mistake. Also, he could set up music system with the help of his friends to listen to his favorite songs.
In a month he started walking with the help of stick and got approval from the bank for his business project. He soon won the Neelima’s heart and introduced to his parents too.



Unknown said...

gud adaption...first part ekado chusinattundi kada sree ;)

sree... said...

you r true...I remembered from a book...i guess it's THE NAMESAKE